We want to build a Church where lost people are found and broken people are fixed.
A Church that empowers, equips and releases people to fulfil Gods plan for their lives.
A Church that enables people to connect with God through praise and worship and Gods word.
Habakkuk 2:2

Our Minister

Revd Emma Holroyd

My name is Rev Emma Holroyd and I’m the Minister here in Warton. I moved here in August 2017 to begin my first appointment as a Methodist Minister. I live in Carnforth with my five cats Sooty, Fionn, Fergus, Hogan & Sweep; two rabbits, Ruairí & Cleo.

I’m from Liverpool originally and my family still live there so I enjoy going back to visit. I spent a few years living in West Cork, Ireland where I developed a love for outdoor swimming. My other interests include singing and playing music, in particular flute, clarinet & piano.

I’m excited about sharing the love of Jesus with all I meet and being part of God’s mission here in Warton.

Click here if you’d like to contact me!

Stewards Team

Emma doesn’t work alone. She is supported by our Church Stewards who include:
Kathryn Haigh; Gary Marsh; Renee Turner; Bonny Bonshor & Derek Gaulter